Street food accompaniments
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Street food accompaniments

Everyone can make street food! Choose your: 1) bread 2) main ingredients 3) filling mixture and 4) vegetables. Here are a few tips for accompaniments that you can have with your street food meals.


Fennel slaw

Slice the fennel thinly (ideally use a mandolin). Season with salt, pepper and a touch of vinegar. Let stand for 15 minutes. Mix in a little soft cheese and mayonnaise.

Pickled gherkin

Peel and slice the cucumber (leave the core). Sprinkle over salt and put in a bowl. Let it stand for around 15 minutes. Mix together a marinade of equal parts rice vinegar and sugar. Add the marinade with the cucumber and mix together. Let it stand for at least 15 minutes.

Pickled red onion

Shred the red onion and salt lightly. Add the onion to a brine made from one part vinegar, two parts sugar and three parts water - for at least an hour.


Mix together the ingredients as per the description.