This is at the heart of everything we do – to bake tasty, high quality products with great consideration for sustainability throughout our products’ lifecycle.
Baking with love means caring about ingredients, products, our employees and customers and how we use our common resources responsibly.
We all have different tastes. In our wide range you’ll find something for every occasion. All our fresh bread is baked without preservatives. Our bakeries have excellent hygiene standards, prolonging shelf life.
People don’t know it, but bread is one of the most climate-smart foods. And eating bread with every meal is an easy way to refill energy, dietary fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals.
We bake with Swedish ingredients as much as possible, because they grow close to our bakeries and because Swedish farming is among the most sustainable in Europe.
Our most important ingredient is flour and it comes from our own mills. We have a close, long-term relationship with farmers who grow cereals in fields nearby.
As a family business, long-term thinking is natural for us. We want to continue baking bread for many generations to come and care about our common resources and the environment.
Our two most important areas are to contribute to the development of sustainable agriculture in Sweden and to carry on minimizing food waste through our cyclic approach. But we also work with many other sustainability issues, for example packaging, transport, energy and the working environment.
It is our employees' commitment that creates the coherency and family spirit that has characterized our company for over 140 years and which enables us to say that we bake with love.
A good working environment where our employees thrive is a necessity for us and for the possibilities of baking bread for future generations.