Ham party-sandwich
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Ham party-sandwich

Serrano ham and fresh figs on dark sourdough bread. It doesn’t get much easier and tastier than this. The harmony between the ingredients' flavour and texture make this delicious party-sandwich pure enjoyment.


4 Sandwich

  • Lettuce
  • 200g serrano ham
  • 2 fresh figs
  • Fresh spices, such as oregano, basil or thyme
  • 1.5 dl grated parmesan cheese
  • 150g cream cheese or 1.5 dl crème fraiche
  • Grated zest from ½ an organic lemon
  • Salt, pepper



  1. Mix the cream cheese, parmesan and lemon zest.
  2. Flavour with salt and pepper.
  3. Rinse the lettuce and cut the figs into quarters.
  4. Spread the parmesan cream on the bread, add lettuce and 2-3 slices of ham.
  5. Put parmesan cream on the ham and garnish with some extra parmesan and some fresh herbs.